Monday, November 22, 2010

An Ugly Girl

Hi all, this is my podcast from language B in Mr. Jabiz's ESL class

Once upon a time there lived a little girl with an ugly face.
“What can I do? I’m ugly,” Betty asked a small bird in the tree.
“No you’re not!  You must be patient. In the world no one is perfect,” answered the little bird.
The little girl was confused. “You can talk?” asked Betty.
“Hm. yes I can, ” said the bird.
“Can you help me?” asked Betty. She was very happy.
“ Yes, why not!” sang the bird happily.
“ Can you help me to be beautiful?” asked Betty.
“I think you can ask Mr. Pup because I’m just a little bird. I don’t know everything. I can just sleep, sing, and eat, ” said the little bird with a little smile.
“Okay. Thanks for helping me but I don’t know where Mr. Pup lives. Can you give me the address?” asked Betty clapping her hands.

“You must turn left after you see the shoe shop. Then you will see a little tree. And there will be Mr. Pup’s house,” sang the little bird happily.
“Okay Betty I’m sorry I want go to my house because my mom says I must be back at 2 o’clock,” said the bird flying away .
“Owh… yeah see you next time “ said Betty with waved her hands.

Early the next morning, she met Mr. Pup and asked him, “How can I become beautiful?” He said, “ You must go straight until you see a tall mountain.” But, she didn't know where the tall mountain was.

“Hmm. Why do you want to be beautiful?” asked Mr. Pup.
“Because if people are ugly then they would be humiliated, oppressed and not considered by others.”
“Okay that’s fine. You can ask Mr. Thief.” said Mr. Pup.
“ Wait, I don’t know, where is the Mr. Thief house” said betty.
“ Hey… we must turn left and go ahead. And there is Mr. Thief house” said Mr. pup.
“ Thanks” said betty very happy

Early the next morning, she asked Mr. Thief, “How can I be beautiful?”
“You must go to the family circus,” he answered.
“Ok thank you, but I don’t know where that is.” asked Betty.
“I will give you the address. first you seen the biggest tree then you turn left.”  said Mr. Thief.
“ Thanks,for gift me the address” said Betty.
“ Welcome” said Betty wit big smile.

Finally, she met the circus family and asked them, they said that she must ask the twin birds, they thought that twin birds know where the high mountain is? So she went to look for the twin birds.

In the middle way, she met the twin birds and asked them about the high mountain, than they said, yes I know, but I don't know where it is, I just know who knows that mountain.

The twin bird said, "That she's must go until the end of the road".
In the end of the road she met a little bear and asked him, he's said "the cat know everything about the high mountain, you must turn right, and go straight, you'll meet the cat there,"

Finally, she's met the cat that she's looking for she’s going to ask him, where's the high mountain? than Mr. cat said that she's must go to ask Mrs. cat.

Mrs. cat say's, that we must follow the yarn's until the yarn's are empty, and there is it the high mountain,
She’s following the yarn's until she's meet a little fairy, suddenly, she's saw the little fairy was getting trouble and she's help the little fairy, than the fairy give her one request to her,

And she's answered that she wants’ being beautiful, and the fairy accept her request, well, that's the end of the story.

If you want to hear this reflection click here.