Friday, March 25, 2011

Explanation About Simple Sentence

Today in ESL class, we learn about simple sentence. Mr. Jabiz told us that we must make explanation about what you learn so far about simple sentence, so I make a simple explanation about it... Lets watching!! I hope you have fun!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Edit My Inquirer And The Grammer

Yesterday, in my ESL class now I learn about simple sentence and compound sentence. Simple sentence is a complete though or idea . Simple sentence must have subject, thing, person, place, idea and action. The sentence who have capital letter and full stop in the end. Compound sentence is opposite of fragment is run on sentence two sentences smashed incorrectly.

I think I need to edit my inquirer because I have many mistakes. This is the old one :
I was curious about why people like smoke? and why people make cigarette. I wait 4 years to some one answer it, because I always saw many people smoke and then they have disease, do you think its true? its make harm to your self or your age will be short.

When I go to my grandma house suddenly, in the street is traffic. You can look many people walk and smoke, when I open my car glass I smell the smoke and I cough, its was so creepy.
That is many impact to people like If you smell the smoke you can sick rite?? and smoke can impact too in the world. I always asked to my mom and my dad they just said " it just for fun maybe some one stress and they want don't know what can they do so they do something else"

Some reasons said cigarette can make people do again and again its like if you smoke first time you will get the second time, of course its make you sick to your body. This is the first time I tell you my curious question. I have second question, this is still about smoke, Why they mother agree it?
You know many teenage smoke including a child and the mother agree it, I think its was creepy.
Lets watch my movie !!

This is the new one that I already edit :

I was curious about why people like to smoke? and why people make cigarette. I wait 4 years to some one answer it. I always saw many people smoke and then they have disease. Do you think its true? It makes harm to your self and your age will be short.

When I go to my grandma house, suddenly in the street is traffic. You can look many people walk and smoke. When I open my car glass, I smell the smoke and I cough, it’s been so creepy.

That is much impact to people. If you smell the smoke, you can sick rite. Smoke can impact in the world. I always asked to my mom and my dad, they just said " it just for fun maybe some one stress and they don't know what can they do, so they do something else"

Some reasons said cigarette could make people do again and again. Its like if you smoke first time you will get the second time, of course its make you sick to your body. This is the first time I tell you my curious question. I have second question. This is still about smoke. Why they mother agree it?

You know many teenage smokes including a child and the mothers agree it, I think it’s been creepy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Poetry Book

In my English class now we doing about poetry. I think it was really cool, because I like imagine about something happen in this world. Then, I make a book about poetry it's inspired by the book name love that dog. I love this book because it was so funny and amazing.
I make poems about Rhyming Couplet, So much depends, Poetry about peace park, Scaring poem and Haiku poem. Then I search poem about nature, funny poem, haiku, the song about meaning full, puisi Indonesia. After I make the poems and search about it. I make the reflection about my poetry and make reflection by others. I really like when I make a  poem about pets. Okay, lets see my poetry !!


Sunday, March 6, 2011


In my ESL class now I'm doing about adverb. Then, I make cartoon about it. Let's watching !